Specialized Center

나은병원 » Spine & Pain Centers

Spine & Pain Centers


Spine health is one of the most important things in maintaining health. Naeun Hospital Spine & Pain Center performs non-surgical treatments such as personalized exercise therapy, drug therapy, pain management, and rehabilitation therapy first and our rich experienced medical staff continuously study on the vertebral disease. We operate minimally invasive surgery when it is difficult to expect a non-surgical treatment effect due to the structural damage to the spine. Our medical staffs provide the best medical care for patients and conducts intensive research on spinal diseases.

Medical Treatment

Headache, cervical and spinal disc, spinal stenosis, herniated disc, degenerative spinal disease.

Characteristics of Spine & Pain Center

1. Attempt non-surgical therapy first.(Spinal endoscopic nerve decompression, endoscopic laser discectomy)
2. Rehabilitation therapy for prompt return to daily life
3. ONE-STOP SYSTEM from test to surgery
4. Professional medical treatment system with specialized cooperation system

Medical staff

Han Young Min
허훈과장-썸네일허 훈
Huh Hon
Lee Chulhyun
Kim Seung Pil
이철현이철현과장 사진
허 훈허훈과장-사진
한영민한영민원장 _ 중간 사이즈